Baby, Mommy, and Balloons

What could be better than creating memories together?  Classic Kids sessions are not JUST about taking photos. It’s really about having fun.  Without a great experience, the photos wouldn’t have the same emotional impact.  It’s our mantra, and it’s why we take such great pride in our work. It’s why a set like this just STILL makes us giggle!

4set_2We usually have to prod moms to be in photographs.  If you think about it though, these are going to be the photos that will be the most cherished when the kids grow up.  So you should not argue with us because the photos are WORTH it.e_006745_140131_grainedAnd when we have props around the studio, like the leftover ones from the Daphne Oz photo shoot for NY Family Magazine we just HAVE to capitalize on cool props. And do it in color.  Yes color.  3set_5


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