Baby, Mommy, and Balloons

What could be better than creating memories together?  Classic Kids sessions are not JUST about taking photos. It’s really about having fun.  Without a great experience, the photos wouldn’t have the same emotional impact.  It’s our mantra, and it’s why we take such great pride in our work. It’s why a set like this just STILL makes us giggle!

4set_2We usually have to prod moms to be in photographs.  If you think about it though, these are going to be the photos that will be the most cherished when the kids grow up.  So you should not argue with us because the photos are WORTH it.e_006745_140131_grainedAnd when we have props around the studio, like the leftover ones from the Daphne Oz photo shoot for NY Family Magazine we just HAVE to capitalize on cool props. And do it in color.  Yes color.  3set_5


Growing up with Classic Kids

It’s amazing how fast time flies!

We really get attached to our families (read our previous post about LOVE), and love growing old with them. It’s always so special to become a part of the family history!

We met this family back in 2012:newborn announcement

We saw them again when she reached baby parts age (6-9 months old):



We saw them again with baby girl #2 and fulfilled a color request:

E_079965_131126comboCan you see the head band used again? Love the idea of sharing hand-me-downs.

We are all so proud to see how our families grow up and grow bigger.  Nothing makes us happier to photograph your family.  And again.  And then photograph them again.  


P.S.  See the Monkey Wrangler tab up top–Darya is holding this big sister when she was 9 months old (or as we like to call it…baby parts age).

Ready for Summer

It is TIME that the weather turns in our favor.  In protest of the incoming snow tomorrow (it’s March, for crying out loud!)…I am posting a favorite photo of mine from the Hamptons and trying to encourage Mother Nature to follow my lead.

I call this one “Sun Dance”  ……..and I’m hoping it keeps the snow away.marchVID_0690


The Lovie Project

I was born on February 3rd, 1980.  My great-aunt gave my parents a pink blanket to swaddle me and take me home from the hospital.  It is a gift that has never left my side.

 Yes, I’m 34.                     Yes, it still comforts me when I’m sad.

This was my best friend growing up.  I took it everywhere.  I hid it when my mom came looking to wash it (it smelled “wrong” when it came out of the washing machine). I cried when I thought it was lost.  My parents HATED it after a while.

This is me with my pink blanket:

Lindsay Blanket

I feel very fortunate to have a “lovie” and a family that loves me in spite of it.  And a husband who won’t complain if the rags come out of hiding to give me a boost of love.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have one.  Some children who are in shelters are missing this key piece of childhood.  We are starting a campaign to help donate new lovies to those who need them.  Everyone deserves to have a lovie.

The Lovie Project is for someone like me. And you.  And your kids.  You probably know exactly which stuffed animal, blanket, toy  that fits into this category. I needed my blanket immortalized, and made a 20×24″ canvas for my NYC apartment. It’s the best piece of modern art that I own.  A great ice-breaking conversation piece.
20110329-DSC_7621We are having a party tomorrow, on Valentine’s Day (of course) to immortalize your lovies. FREE cocoa and cookies to have a fabulously comforting time.  Donate a new lovie to The Coalition for the Homeless here in NYC and get your lovie(s) photographed for free!

10% of all print sales all across the country will be donated to The Primo Shelter.Lovie_5x7_Front Lovie_E_5x7_Back

See you tomorrow!

Plus a HUGE thank you to The Chirping Moms, NY Metro Parents, MeMyselfandBabyI, Design For MiniKind and more who helped share this amazing cause!

“Motorcycle Chic” – On Location

I am so overwhelmed with this shoot that I have been having a tough time picking my favorites.  Well, other than this one.  🙂E_022232_130707 This family had a Classic Kids Location session….and the results were flawless.

Family Photos, Puppy Photos, Newborn Photos—

E_022268_130707 Grainy Filtered Photos—E_022131_130707Perfect Moment Photos—E_022004_130707

and, SURPRISE!!!!  …Photos in COLOR—E_022368_130707E_022183_130707I would say that it was just another day at the studio….but, well, that wouldn’t be true! Love summer location shoots!real film. real fun. real art.