Family Spotlight

If you have 2, 3 or more… there is NOTHING more fantastic when the play-date photo session turns into a giggle-fest! These two could ham it up, enjoy each other’s company, give snuggles to their parents, partake in a jumping contest (spoiler alert: big brother won), look downright stunning, at the same time as being super cooperative.

Tell me, wouldn’t you want to hang out with these kids EVERY DAY?

We sure would.  They make our monkey-wrangling-world look incredibly easy.

I’d show you THE perfect shot of them with Mom and Pop, and THE perfect shot of the kids together …but that would ruin the surprise of their family’s holiday card! This family is super organized!   I usually get my holiday cards out sometime in mid-February.  Sheesh.

To be fair, our objective is always to bring out personality:

Aaaaand to get the breath-taking images that will become iconic, as artwork forever:

Have we gushed yet about this grainy film?  When you print these images, they look like pencil-sketches. We call them “Studies” much like painters who just capture the essence of their subjects. You should visit us at to learn more about our work!