Teenage Art in Black and White

As I was growing up, I had an awkward stage….and it lasted well on 10 years.  Bad haircut (girl mullet), bad dental appliance, and hand-me-downs that did not flatter me…  Luckily I overcame it all, learned how to style my crazy hair, put on make up, and the rest is history. At least I’m okay with photos of myself now.

Most of the reasons I picked up the camera in high school were to prove that my friends were WAY more photogenic than me.  They would complain…blah blah….I look awful….blah.

I learned that a camera doesn’t just tell one truth.  It tells the truth of the artist behind it.  And when they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder?  It’s true.  I’m just the one beholding.

I would have given my left arm to look as pretty as this teenager.  And even if she doesn’t believe that she is gorgeous…she can’t argue with the beauty in this image.E_053251_131003