Siblings: Classic Kids Style!

As a middle child, I have a special place in my heart for siblings that love being around each other.  There is certainly something in the water here in NYC, because time and time again I am AMAZED at how good these kids all get along!  Thanks to all of you for being such awesome brothers and sisters.  No matter the day…

No matter their age…

They GIGGLE way too much:

 They make really SILLY faces:

 They GOOF around all the time:

They give each other squeeze HUGS:

They think I’m nuts (it’s true, I am):

They are TENDER with each other:

They like to FIGURE things out:

They give each other so much LOVE!


Out of ideas for Dad’s Day?

Also, as a side note, the above image is of my parents.  Married for 40 years and still going strong.  At their anniversary dinner with me and my siblings, my dad told my mom that he “Couldn’t wait for the next 40 years.”  Sigh.  They are so sweet! So glad I have this photo of the two of them!!!!  LOVE!


I just came across these pictures that I took from a while back…and WOW!  What a fun little man we had here in studio.  Quite handsome, I might add.

Sometimes I see so many images that I forget about the gems. This three set is a GEM!  Thinking about ordering it as a studio sample…  what do you think?Image

Happy Weekend all!
