Gentlemen Wear Hats

….and they look REALLY CUTE while doing it!

We love creating unique photos every day.  It would be terrible to have someone say, “I have that same shot!” so we always try to think outside the box here at Classic Kids to really show JUST how special your family can be.



Clearly this kid has STYLE.  He and his mom “get it” when it comes to having fun and being in the moment!  And, listen, when we hear that you love wearing a hat?!

We go with it!


Here’s one more photo to leave you with on this lovely NYC weekend day… just a cool Urban Cowboy, resting from his long day herding taxis and wrastlin’ with tourists….



Twin Photos are AMAZING!

Twins are so amazing.  You get a built-in best friend for life.  Lucky!!!!

Personalities come in all shapes and sizes…and twins give you a moment to stand back and really appreciate how quickly those personalities develop.  Believe it or not, these guys came in a little shy, but had each other to rely on!  Plus, Jenn, as the assistant was able to figure out their tickle spots pretty quickly. 🙂

With every great photo session here at Classic Kids, it’s just so hard to narrow down to my favorites.  That’s why a set of four is so much fun!!!! 4set_1


Baby, Mommy, and Balloons

What could be better than creating memories together?  Classic Kids sessions are not JUST about taking photos. It’s really about having fun.  Without a great experience, the photos wouldn’t have the same emotional impact.  It’s our mantra, and it’s why we take such great pride in our work. It’s why a set like this just STILL makes us giggle!

4set_2We usually have to prod moms to be in photographs.  If you think about it though, these are going to be the photos that will be the most cherished when the kids grow up.  So you should not argue with us because the photos are WORTH it.e_006745_140131_grainedAnd when we have props around the studio, like the leftover ones from the Daphne Oz photo shoot for NY Family Magazine we just HAVE to capitalize on cool props. And do it in color.  Yes color.  3set_5


Newborn Announcements should be special!

It all starts with an incredible moment.  A new birth, a bigger family, and boundless buckets of joy just overflowing with love.

Now, let’s be honest.  The Facebook post comes next.

This moment is your baby’s introduction to the world (and family and friends and high school buddies that seem to like all of your posts even though you haven’t talked to them in years)!

Let’s be serious.  You can do better than the iPhone pictures you attach!

Take a moment to give yourself and your baby a proper introduction. With a photo like this:

The better the photo, the more simple the design of the announcement, whether it be online or in the mail. This is a new line of designs done by our very own team to really showcase the clean, simple beauty.

It’s your time to share your perfection, do it right!!!!

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