Gentlemen Wear Hats

….and they look REALLY CUTE while doing it!

We love creating unique photos every day.  It would be terrible to have someone say, “I have that same shot!” so we always try to think outside the box here at Classic Kids to really show JUST how special your family can be.



Clearly this kid has STYLE.  He and his mom “get it” when it comes to having fun and being in the moment!  And, listen, when we hear that you love wearing a hat?!

We go with it!


Here’s one more photo to leave you with on this lovely NYC weekend day… just a cool Urban Cowboy, resting from his long day herding taxis and wrastlin’ with tourists….



Twin Photos are AMAZING!

Twins are so amazing.  You get a built-in best friend for life.  Lucky!!!!

Personalities come in all shapes and sizes…and twins give you a moment to stand back and really appreciate how quickly those personalities develop.  Believe it or not, these guys came in a little shy, but had each other to rely on!  Plus, Jenn, as the assistant was able to figure out their tickle spots pretty quickly. 🙂

With every great photo session here at Classic Kids, it’s just so hard to narrow down to my favorites.  That’s why a set of four is so much fun!!!! 4set_1


Newborn Announcements should be special!

It all starts with an incredible moment.  A new birth, a bigger family, and boundless buckets of joy just overflowing with love.

Now, let’s be honest.  The Facebook post comes next.

This moment is your baby’s introduction to the world (and family and friends and high school buddies that seem to like all of your posts even though you haven’t talked to them in years)!

Let’s be serious.  You can do better than the iPhone pictures you attach!

Take a moment to give yourself and your baby a proper introduction. With a photo like this:

The better the photo, the more simple the design of the announcement, whether it be online or in the mail. This is a new line of designs done by our very own team to really showcase the clean, simple beauty.

It’s your time to share your perfection, do it right!!!!

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Happy Weekend

Just a little Dapper Dan to make the rest of your weekend full of charm and class!


Growing up with Classic Kids

It’s amazing how fast time flies!

We really get attached to our families (read our previous post about LOVE), and love growing old with them. It’s always so special to become a part of the family history!

We met this family back in 2012:newborn announcement

We saw them again when she reached baby parts age (6-9 months old):



We saw them again with baby girl #2 and fulfilled a color request:

E_079965_131126comboCan you see the head band used again? Love the idea of sharing hand-me-downs.

We are all so proud to see how our families grow up and grow bigger.  Nothing makes us happier to photograph your family.  And again.  And then photograph them again.  


P.S.  See the Monkey Wrangler tab up top–Darya is holding this big sister when she was 9 months old (or as we like to call it…baby parts age).

Captured Expression

For those of you that wonder what is REALLY so much different about what we do at Classic Kids Photography, let me tell you why we love our job SOOOOOOOOO much.  

We love your kids.  

No, I mean it.  We truly LOVE your kids!

We work, and monkey around, and make silly noises, and sweat, and laugh, and tickle and squish, and help—all to bring out your little nugget’s personality.  And we don’t stop at one photo.  We want you to have ALL the different facets of their smiles, pouts, giggles, and silliness.  We won’t stop until we are satisfied.  

I know that this means that your choices are tougher at the proof viewings…but it’s also why we sit down to help you decide.  You’ll never be stranded or left feeling overwhelmed because we won’t let you leave with something second-rate.  It’ll be the BEST one if it’s only one…. and well, if we end up falling in love with nine?  You get a blog posting. 🙂

This little darling still brings us such joy months later.  We love her and she brings us so much happiness–and these photos will do the same for you.   I think the difference in all of our work is the love.  I’m pretty sure you’ll all be seeing the sparkle now in our love.Rosen_9-set


Album Cover by Classic Kids

We haven’t seen these boys in a while, but these photos still stand out to me!

I’ll call them the Classic Kids band.  This is their album cover.

Clearly with photos like these, they’d immediately go platinum.

I imagine their type of music would be very hip-groove-rock, and at some point on the album there would be a KILLER rock-ballad to make all the girls swoon.  Dietrich_set

The group shot just reminds me so much of a cool band photo.  Think drumsticks instead of lollipops and then you’re there.  LOVE!  It shows all their personalities in one moment.


Sweet Sibling Love

We’ve known these lovely kids since Big Sister was only 8 months old.  It’s crazy how time flies these days.  It’s amazing that they grow so fast…they giggle so sweetly…and they love each other so much.  We feel so lucky to be a small part of their family history.FINE_080157_131127

Mommybites Summit Photobooth

Yet again we meet at Mommybites‘ Summit at the New Yorker Hotel.  A photobooth is just a really fun way to feel GLAM, no?!  Well, if it’s black and white….then YES!

Click on this link —–> gallery <—— to see the whole set of images, or just enjoy the silly slideshow.  Nothing quite like a bunch of moms having a GREAT time!

Have a blast sharing these photos…  Tag us on FaceBook please or on Twitter!  We love seeing our images and the comments!!! Special preferences to those who tag us!

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